This paper introduces a new benchmark dataset, Open-Structure, for evaluating visual odometry and SLAM methods, which directly equips point and line measurements, correspondences, structural associations, and co-visibility factor graphs instead of providing raw images. Based on the proposed benchmark dataset, these 2D or 3D data can be directly input to different stages of SLAM pipelines to avoid the impact of the data preprocessing modules in ablation experiments.

1. List of sequences

office0: img | observation | initial factor graph livingroom0: img | observation | initial factor graph
of0 lrkt0
office1: img |observation | initial factor graph livingroom1: img | observation | initial factor graph
of1 lrkt1
office2: img | observation | initial factor graph livingroom2: img | observation | initial factor graph
of2 lrkt2
office3: img | observation | initial factor graph livingroom3: img | observation | initial factor graph
of3 lrkt3
nostr_textrue_far: img | observation | initial factor graph box1: img | observation | initial factor graph
nostructure_texture_far box1
nostr_texture_near_loop: img | observation | initial factor graph box2: img | observation | initial factor graph
nostructure_texture_near_withloop box2
str_notexture_far: img | observation | initial factor graph corridor1: img | observation | initial factor graph
structure_notexture_far corridor1
str_notexture_near: img | observation |initial factor graph corridor2: img | observation | initial factor graph
structure_notexture_near corridor2
str_texture_near: img | observation | initial factor graph sphere1: img | observation | initial factor graph
structure_texture_far sphere1
str_texture_far: img | observation | initial factor graph sphere2: img | observation | initial factor graph
structure_texture_near sphere2
hospital: img observation initial factor graph japanesealley: img observation initial factor graph
hospital japanesealley
carwelding: img observation initial factor graph office: img observation initial factor graph
carwelding office

2.Baseline of Open-Structure


3. BibTeX

  author = {Li, Yanyan and Guo, Zhao and Yang, Ze and Sun Yanbiao and Liang, Zhao and Tombari, Federico},
  title = {Open-Structure: a Structural Benchmark Dataset for SLAM Algorithms},
  year = {2023},
  booktitle = {arXiv}